Club Membership

Potential New members

Thanks for looking at our website, we welcome new members!
Here is some information that might be useful to know.

You can make contact via :

Once you have made your enquiry by expressing an interest, we will be in touch with you. From there your name and details will be added to our list of potential members, to be able to offer you a taster session.

We offer potential members a couple of taster sessions, whereby you can join a crew for a short row, and you can see if it is something you might enjoy. We tend to take 1 potential new member at a time, as the technique can take a bit of getting the hang off! We offer a couple of these and then you can decide if you wish to join.

The Joining fee is annual – £35 single membership / £50 family membership (both are for people who fully participate and row) or alternatively there is £10 associate membership, for partners or people who do not wish to row, but want to support the Club.

We have club life jackets, that can be used free of charge. Apart from that no special equipment is required, apart from layers of suitable /warm clothing and waterproof footwear / trainers (ones that you do not mind getting wet and dirty!) but not wellies. Gloves and Hats in Wintertime. During the Summer and warmer weather, sunglasses, sunscreen and perhaps a sunshade or hat would also be useful.

Rowing is weather and tide dependant. During the Summer and periods of more settled weather we can row more regularly, with a Club night on a Tuesday evening, where those that wish to, can take part in training for regattas. For the less competitive, there is also the ability to take part in sociable rows along the coastline.

When you first join, we will try as best as possible to pair you with someone until your confidence grows and you are more familiar with everything.

Hopefully, this information has been useful and addresses some questions you may have. If there is anything else, you would like to know or need clarified please do not hesitate to get in touch.

We look forward to seeing you in the Club!